On Writing

An Expat Thanksgiving

  |   Blog, On Writing, What I'm Thinking

I try to live in gratitude. Sometimes I'm more successful than others. I know I'm succeeding when I find myself humming in a traffic jam, exulting in the particular greyness of a lowering sky, or enjoying the enforced moment to slow down while waiting and...

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Neville Frankel is on Wikipedia

  |   On Writing

I am very excited to announce that I now have a Wikipedia page. Getting on Wikipedia is a bit daunting and it is by no means a sure thing. From what I understand, Wikipedia has three requirements: the information must be neutral, it must be...

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Future Challenges of South Africa

  |   Blog, On Writing, What I'm Thinking

In the last two years, I have spoken at all three Osher Lifelong Learning Institutes in Greater Boston–@Tufts University, @UMass Boston and @Brandeis University (BOLLI).  At each talk, participants have asked me: “Given all of the challenges facing South Africa, what is the future of...

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Character-Driven Writing

  |   Blog, On Writing, What I'm Thinking

At last week’s meeting with a book group of early readers, there were several really interesting comments made about On The Sickle’s Edge. This particular group has been meeting for a long time–in fact our meeting marked their 30th anniversary. They’ve read and discussed hundreds...

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Writing as an Unfolding Enigma

  |   On Writing

One might suppose that the writer is aware of what he or she is doing, but that's not necessarily the case. One of the reasons I find the writing process so fascinating is that it is often a slowly unfolding enigma. I can't speak for...

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How Painting Informs My Writing

  |   On Writing

People often ask whether my painting informs my writing. As a writer, I used to think I could describe things well. Then I took up painting, and everything changed, because I learned that looking at something was very different from seeing it. How well or badly...

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