On Writing

Time Warp

  |   Blog, On Writing, What I'm Thinking

Once upon a time, in a place somewhere between yesterday and tomorrow, I lived with my wife in a bustling city on the East Coast of the United States. We had many friends with whom we had wonderful dinners; we went dancing occasionally; and it...

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  |   Blog, On Writing, What I'm Thinking

Those who know me well and have nevertheless chosen not to discard me like a stale biscuit, will probably agree that I’ve lived most of my life as a “fruitcake.” To be clear, that’s not a disparaging term. I love fruitcake. In fact, in the...

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Gifts of Grande Dame Oak

  |   Blog, On Writing, What I'm Thinking

I have written elsewhere about the regal Grande Dame Oak Tree that towers over our home. Her beauty, serenity and patience as she stands rooted in place. Her sense of humor as she teases us, using our roof for seasonal target practice, honing her acorn...

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Moments in Time

  |   Blog, On Writing, What I'm Thinking

The hallway is filled with photographs of the departed. Not only the dead, but those who, for reasons too numerous and complex to enumerate, have drifted away in the currents of time. Even those who are still living are no longer the people portrayed in the...

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Gardens and Grandchildren

  |   Blog, On Writing

Yesterday was planting day, the day allium and tulip bulbs of various hue and shape find their places in my garden. In preparation, my wife and I pore over on-line catalogues, ordering bulbs that complement what I harvested from my flower beds and stored for...

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As Acorns Fall

  |   Blog, On Writing, What I'm Thinking

The huge oak tree towering over our house has a wonderful sense of humor. When she feels we are insufficiently grateful for her shade, she waves her many slender arms and showers her multiple-lobed leaves down on us. I hear her wheezy laughter soughing in...

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